Do you use a tattoo gun to tattoo brows?
Cosmetic tattooing procedures are performed in many different ways. (depending on the person performing the service) Here at Blink&Brow in Langley, we do micro-blading and tattooing. We use a non-machine, handheld device for micro_blading, the device is called Feather Touch®. It consists of very small microneedles that are used once and then disposed of. We also use a machine, a device called a tattoo gun where we use needles that are used once and then disposed of.
Why do people get brows cosmetically tattooed?
Brows frame the eyes. People get cosmetic tattooing for many reasons. Some have sparse brows and would like them fuller. Others want their brows to take on a new shape. There are some who have brows that are nonexistant. Brow shape can change the appearance of the face and can give the perception to lift one's eyes, creating a more youthful appearance. With brow cosmetic tattooing we can(for example) modify the look of a round face, deeply set eyes, elongated face, and even make cheekbones appear more defined. We do an analysis to help you decide what is right for you. You participate in the whole process until we have achieved your goal.
How do you do micro-blading?
With Feather Touch® we make delicate, tiny, hair stroke, incisions beneath the dermis that allow pigment to fill in the space where the incision was made. The result is the appearance of natural brow hair which allows us to shape, color and form the brows in any fashion.
What is the process for brows?
Every individual has different needs. After having a full consultation, together we discover what color and style of the brow to design to your liking. Then we outline and shape with a cosmetic pencil to show you the style as it would look before we do the procedure. If it is to your liking, we will clean and disinfect the brows and apply the topical anesthetic/numbing cream. This is done to make the procedure more comfortable. We then apply the pigment with micro hair precision and finish with an ointment that will soothe and assist the healing process.
How long does it take?
The procedure can take anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours.
Can I do my consultation the same day I have my tattooing or micro-blading done?
You may have your consultation the same day of having your brows done, or you may book it any day prior to having the procedure.
How old do I have to be to get my eyebrows done?
You have to be at least 18 years old to have cosmetic tattooing done.
Will I have to take the time off work to heal?
There is typically no downtime after having cosmetic tattooing however, you may have minor swelling or redness around the area. It typically takes 7-14 days to heal topically, and between 6-9 weeks to completely heal. You must follow the aftercare instructions as directed for optimal healing.
Will my brows be dark only after the procedure?
Your brows will be darker for up to 2 weeks after the procedure. Then the pigment starts to settle in and make its home in your dermis. This is where it will start to decrease in color. You will typically need a touch-up appointment within 6-10 weeks following your initial appointment. This appointment is at no additional cost to you.
Is it Painful?
It depends on each individuals' pain threshold and what procedure is done if you will feel pain. Typically, there may be minimal discomfort. To help with discomfort or pain, we introduce topical anesthetics. Your cosmetic technician will discuss further details. Overall, most clients feel no pain at all with most procedures.
Will I need a touch-up?
Most people will need a touch up at some point. One touch-up is included complimentary if it is done within 6 months of the initial service. If a touch-up is required after that (up to 1 year) it will cost an extra $100.00. If a touch-up is required from 1-2 years after the procedure, it will cost $200.00. Any work is done from 2 years and on will be charged at full price.
How long does it last?
The pigment for feather touch micro-blading typically lasts 2-5 years but can vary depending on the person. Some people like to come back yearly just to make them more bold and full. It costs only $100.00 for yearly touchups. For machined brow tattooing, it typically will last 3-8 years without needing a touch-up.
What If I am not happy with the lashes I received?
If for any reason you are not satisfied, please let us know and we will fix it. We guarantee our work for one week meaning that if you were to lose an excessive amount of lash extensions due to bonding, we would fix it for you,
How long do lash extensions last?
Lash extensions typically last around 3 weeks before needing to get a fill. However, we have some clients that come in at 6 weeks and other clients that need a fill at 2 weeks. . To learn more about the eyelash growth cycle click here.
Will lash extensions damage my eyelashes?
Lash extensions will not damage your existing lashes if they are done correctly. If lashes are placed correctly onto the eyelash, they will absolutely not damage the existing lashes.
How do I know if my lashes were done right?
There should be no pain, itching or discomfort when wearing lash extensions. should you feel any of this, it may mean that they were done incorrectly or the aftercare was done incorrectly.
If I am unhappy with my lashes, will you fix them?
We guarantee our lashes for a week after having them put on. Aside form natural shedding (1-3 lashes per day per eye) we will fix any thing that doesn't seem right! WE really do care about all of our clients. However, we always make sure our clients approve our work before they leave .
I see that you are booked up. The only time I can get in is for a mini full but I need a full set. Is it okay if I just book a mini full to get in?
Please be mindful of what your lashes are doing. We are usually booked back to back. If you come in for a fill but actually need a full set, we will not have time to do it and may have to re-book you.
A fill or full set?
Here at Blink & Brow Co. we don't believe that 1 rule fits all. So, when your lashes are at 50% missing, it is time to get a fill. Some people it may be at 3 weeks, and others, 5 weeks. If you just want to come in for a quick touch up ( under 30 min) we can do a mini fill which is only ($40) However, if your appointment goes over the 30 min, we will have to charge for a regular fill.
I phoned but nobody answered, I need to change an appointment.
Due to the high volume of calls we receive on a daily basis we are sometimes unable to get to all of our messages right away however, we make our best efforts to get back to everyone before the end of the day. For the fastest response we encourage our clients to book online for their appointment or even log in if there are any changes that need to be made,